Tuesday 29 March 2011

Covent Garden Baby Gaga Ice Cream Off the Menu

Lady Gaga is apparently unhappy that the Icecreamists parlour in London's Covent Garden has called the frozen treat 'Baby Gaga'. Her lawyers argued that the ice cream parlour had "ridden the coattails of her reputation" The Guardian reported.

In a recent reply to the Gaga Lawyers,introduced them to some new flavours he was thinking of creating; Baby o'Gaga (for st Patricks day/ Rhymes with Radio Gaga) and The Doris Gaga (the real name of a lady living in South London.)

Westminster Council pulled it from the shelves over health fears in early March, though experts have since confirmed that breast milk is perfectly safe to ingest.However, so you may have to choose another flavour when you visit Covent Garden.

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